Aci, Galatea e Polefemo – first reviews
The OAE’s performance of Handel’s 1708 Cantata, “Aci, Galatea e Polifemo” at Cadogan Hall on Sunday (directed by Steven) was well received by the audience and now by critics.
BachTrack – “Trevor Bowes sews up Handel’s most fiendish character in Aci, Galatea e Polifemo”
Presto Music – Recording of the Year for Ilyria Consort
Great review for Krebs!
“Stephen Devine’s playing is impressive, his gently rhetorical approach to the music revealing inner beauties within the notes. A fine example of playing the music, rather than the notes.”
Andrew Benson Wilson has written a very positive review for Vol. 1 of the harpsichord works of Krebs. You can read it here.
BBC Music Magazine – 5 Star Review for Krebs!
” a felicitous programme, meticulously realised, that sheds light on Bach’s talented pupil”

A Guest appearance on BBC Radio 4!

Steven on Radio 3’s “Inside Music”
The Restoration Playlist!
Krebs’ Harpsichord Works now available from this site!
We have received stock of the CDs for Steven’s new recording of this wonderful music by Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713 – 1780), Bach’s favourite student.
If you would like a copy direct from us (you can get it signed too…) please head over to:
Brand New Release on Resonus!

Steven’s latest release on the Resonus label has now been shipped. This is Volume 1 of a survey (projected to be four-volumes) of harpsichord works by Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713 – 1780) – a favourite student of J S Bach’s. This extraordinary music straddles two eras – the Baroque and the Galant – and the style, texture and harmonies reflect a composer exploring the new fashions whilst his training is firmly of the “old-school”.
By turns it is dramatic, profound, charming and witty and has been a real pleasure to put together!
It is availble in a variety of formats from
Here is a video of Steven discussing this wonderful music: